A Clever Grocery Shopper

The subject matter of gas and grocery prices swelling up have now become a standard topic. This topic hits number one on the American nagging list (My honest opinion.) It's as if it has become its own specialized language. I call it babbling.
I have no desire to sound like a lame-brained individual who isn't the least bit aware of what is going on in our world. But it stands to reason that you cannot control the economy you live in. You can, however, certainly control how you live in it. Despite the mental misery you deal with today, do not let it ban how wise you can be with your money. Particularly when you buy food. I did mention that I will share tips to save money when purchasing groceries. Here is a very wise suggestion that should administer financial therapy to your spirit, and allow more money to creep back into your bank account.
Create a Price Book
Grocery prices constantly change. Let me provide you with a recent example. One week I spotted jarred roasted red bell peppers (I love them) for $3.49 per jar. The next week after, the price plummeted down to $2.19. Okay, I admit the word "plummet" overstates the decrease in price but if you are a clever grocery shopper than you may have guessed my next sentence. Stock up. Indeed, I did purchase an excessive five jars of lovely red fire. You may be reading this and thinking, "Eh, okay Priyanka you're not a genius. I would have done the same thing." Fantastic! Kudos to you. I am not being sarcastic either. If this was you, you could either spend $17.45 or $10.95. I prefer to choose the latter price of $10.95. You need to respect your hard earned money here. You buy food to feed yourself, not the grocery store's revenue.

This is the point where creating a price book will come into your favor. I came across this tip on www.couponmom.com. I highly recommend paying it a visit. A lot of resources are available to you for free because of her dedication and hard work! I created a very lazy version of Coupon Mom's Price Book example, much of it was due to being at work for nine hours, I shamefully confess. Regardless, it will prove to be useful. It may look something like this:

Woodman's Fresh Market

Common Items:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast





Low-Fat Milk





Canned Tomatoes










TOTAL per Week





The highest total: $9.13 (Week 2 Total)

The lowest total: $7.62 (Week 4 Total)

Clever Shopper's Total Bill: $5.96 (buying each item at its lowest price)

CouponMom's description goes into more extensive detail, but my compressed version has highlighted all of her important points. Do remember that if you buy groceries from multiple stores, create a separate price book page for each grocery store. Take some time to transfer prices from your grocery bill and record them in your price book over the course of several weeks. By doing so, you have just created a beneficial yet personal amenity.

I hope this suggestion brings back some peace and tranquility to your grocery shopping ventures.
You are the reason I blog, so tell me what you think.


  1. Fabulous post! I look forward to reading more of what is to come.

  2. Anonymous--I plan to incorporate a lot more information! I appreciate you visiting very much. If you have suggestions for posts or questions please e-mail me at VerveISserved@gmail.com!

  3. I am not that dedicated to to spending on a budget as this can entail, but it is definitely one of the reasons why I shop around. Some stores have better produce and better prices and I have certainly paid attention to that. Maybe this year I may be able to practice using this price book. My only concern is having a budget that will allow me to stock up when the prices are low.

  4. Anonymous--

    To elaborate on your concern about having enough funds to be able to stock up on grocery items--I have the same views and opinions as you. But try this tip the way I have been trying it. My budget does not always allow me to purchase multiple low price items on one grocery trip either, so I resort to purchasing one low price item of the week (or however often you buy groceries). It is true that you will not reap the same benefits as if you were to buy as many low price items as you can, but it does not imply that you will not save money. After all, that is the main trait to take away from CouponMom's method. My only wish is for you to be able to add something to you mental toolbox. You do what works for you! Thankyou for visiting, I appreciate your comment!
