Hi folks.
Stay tuned for a much needed recipe review. It's been too long!
Q: I am trying to find a class for our grandson. He is 19 and has a part-time job but no insurance. He just found out last week that he is a type 1 diabetes after losing a lot of weight and his blood sugar was 523. He is on insulin but needs to go to a class to manage is diabetes without going hungry. Where do we start? Any suggestions would help us a lot.
I would highly recommend that you pay a visit to www.eatright.org
This website is controlled by the American Dietetic Association (ADA), America's largest organization of Nutrition and Health professionals. To begin with, you can educate yourself and your grandson through the site. See below for the specific link I have provided for you to check out the ADA diabete's webpage.
As for diabetes classes, the first two places to try would be a local dietitian, or a hospital that can direct you to a schedule of their wellness/diabetes management classes. Always go to qualified health professionals when enrolling in health classes. Not only will they be helpful and direct you in the right path but you can guarantee that they are knowledgeable, and this leaves little room for being given the wrong information.
Best of luck,
Love all the Great Info!
Stay tuned for more Cristy! Thanks for stopping by. :-)